Get your Free Cheat Code For Stata 17+

Get your Free Cheat Code
For Stata 17+

Learn how to boost your public health career trajectory
through a 1:1 session with me!

At Aengle I show you how to level-up your public health career trajectory, giving you the confidence, knowledge, and skills you need to create a legacy that lasts. We all start in public health wanting to make big, bold moves that tackle health inequities - with my mentoring and tutoring services I help you leverage your industrious spirit to make the changes you seek in the communities you serve.

Create Your Legacy By Showing Up Powerfully for Your Life and Career


Book a Free Discovery Call

As a public health professional, it’s not uncommon to experience a lack of clarity or confidence at some point in your career. Despite how frustrating this can be, on the other side of those blocks are your next growth curves and inevitable successes.

As a high-achieving person myself, I understand the frustration that comes with being out of alignment with your soul’s purpose, and I’m here to help you get back on track. Through my 1:1 Career Guidance and Mentoring, I support you in leveraging your “soul data” so you can move from a place of overwhelm to heart-centered action.

1:1 Career Guidance & Mentoring

Book a Free Discovery Call

As a public health student and early career professional, epidemiology & biostatistics content can feel really confusing and overwhelming at first - especially when you’re learning to code at the same time! Just like with any other skill set or knowledge area, with proper guidance and information, you can learn how to master the art of coding and making sense of epidemiology & biostatistics content. 

Through my 1:1 Epidemiology & Public Health Data Tutoring,
I help you become prepared to show up powerfully in your studies, helping you transition into your dream job after graduation so you can be a true public health master! 

1:1 Epidemiology & Public Health Data Tutoring

— Epidemiology & Public
    Health Data Tutoring

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Career Guidance
& Mentoring

As a public health professional, it’s not uncommon to experience a lack of clarity or confidence at some point in your career. Despite how frustrating this can be, on the other side of those blocks are your next growth curves and inevitable successes.

As a high-achieving person myself, I understand the frustration that comes with being out of alignment with your soul’s purpose, and I’m here to help you get back on track. Through my 1:1 Career Guidance and Mentoring, I support you in leveraging your “soul data” so you can move from a place of overwhelm to heart-centered action.

Epidemiology & Public Health Data Tutoring

As a public health student and early career professional, epidemiology & biostatistics content can feel really confusing and overwhelming at first - especially when you’re learning to code at the same time! Just like with any other skill set or knowledge area, with proper guidance and information, you can learn how to master the art of coding and making sense of epidemiology & biostatistics content. 

Through my 1:1 Epidemiology & Public Health Data Tutoring, I help you become prepared to show up powerfully in your studies, helping you transition into your dream job after graduation so you can be a true public health master! 

Every epidemiologist needs a good Table 1, my code saves you time and will wow your colleagues. Subscribe to my email list to get your freebie, and more cheat codes like these!

Save hours of time formatting your tables by using this cheat code for Stata 17+