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Like most movements of change in our world, I created Aengle in response to an ongoing experience of organizational limitations and barriers.

As a radical problem-solver and changemaker at heart, I chose public health because I believed it was the best way to make the largest impact on the greatest number of people. However, early on in my career as an Epidemiologist I became frustrated and angry realizing how many organizational hurdles I would need to overcome in order to actually do my job in making an impact in my local community. 

Frustration That Breeds Innovation

Transforming frustration into heart-driven action leads us to become a source of radical leadership within our sphere. This very transformation is what allowed me to create innovative solutions using new tools and technologies, challenging our old processes and workflows, and seeking out opportunities to grow. With these new solutions, our team productivity increased, allowing us to spend more time serving our community’s needs. We became recognized for our innovation and other organizations started following our lead.  

There are two choices changemakers are faced with when confronted with adversity - continue to be paralyzed by our anger, or alchemize this rage into heart-driven service and contribution for our community. I chose the latter.

Instead of getting to work on solving health epidemics and inequalities, I got stuck battling ineffective data systems that ultimately derailed the positive impact of the organization I was working for. This persistent frustration evolved into a sacred rage that eventually helped me realize that I could be the solution to the ineffective leadership and implementation of our public health interventions. 

Instead of Staying Stuck, I Created Solutions

If you are facing challenges within your organization as a result of outdated systems or ineffective internal processes, Aengle is here to provide sustainable data science solutions so you can truly participate in meaningful work that makes a huge impact in your sphere of the world.

As public health professionals, our work is never truly done. But with the empowering support and solutions offered through Aengle for both your career and life as a changemaker, your work can become more impactful so that you create a legacy that lasts.

Create A Legacy That Lasts

Like most movements of change in our world, I created Aengle in response to an ongoing experience of organizational limitations and barriers.

As a radical problem-solver and changemaker at heart, I chose public health because I believed it was the best way to make the largest impact on the greatest number of people. However, early on in my career as an Epidemiologist I became frustrated and angry realizing how many organizational hurdles I would need to overcome in order to actually do my job in making an impact in my local community. 

Frustration That Breeds Innovation

Instead of getting to work on solving health epidemics and inequalities, I got stuck battling ineffective data systems that ultimately derailed the positive impact of the organization I was working for. This persistent frustration evolved into a sacred rage that eventually helped me realize that I could be the solution to the ineffective leadership and implementation of our public health interventions. 

Instead of Staying Stuck, I Created Solutions

There are two choices changemakers are faced with when confronted with adversity - continue to be paralyzed by our anger, or alchemize this rage into heart-driven service and contribution for our community. I chose the latter.

Transforming frustration into heart-driven action leads us to become a source of radical leadership within our sphere. This very transformation is what allowed me to create innovative solutions using new tools and technologies, challenging our old processes and workflows, and seeking out opportunities to grow. With these new solutions, our team productivity increased, allowing us to spend more time serving our community’s needs. We became recognized for our innovation and other organizations started following our lead.  

If you are facing challenges within your organization as a result of outdated systems or ineffective internal processes, Aengle is here to provide sustainable data science solutions so you can truly participate in meaningful work that makes a huge impact in your sphere of the world.

As public health professionals, our work is never truly done. But with the empowering support and solutions offered through Aengle for both your career and life as a changemaker, your work can become more impactful so that you create a legacy that lasts.

Create A Legacy
That Lasts

Hi! I’m Erika, founder and CEO of Aengle.
I hold a BS in Microbiology, MPH in Epidemiology, and I am currently a PhD student in Epidemiology with a minor in Management Information Systems. I hold numerous certificates in teaching, and data science solutions like Stata and Python. I’ve been working in the public health sphere for 7+ years, managing grant deliverables of over $1 million. I’m on a mission to revolutionize public health by supporting heart-driven changemakers dedicated to creating a lasting legacy.

About the Founder

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